Saturday, October 29, 2011

Upgrade Your Meals!

I found this link and thought it was pretty insightful. We can always do better when it comes to our health and fitness levels. Check it out! You may find something that you can use.

Happy Eating!

Exercise Challenge Update

So, I think I picked about the worst 4/5 weeks to do an exercise challenge, but in hindsight, if I hadn't had this challenge to push me, I might not have exercised at all! And here is my secret, the challenge had nothing to do with exercise.

I live about 700 miles from my nearest sibling, with the rest of them over 2000 miles away, whom I don't see more than once a year if I'm lucky. We don't really talk much, but do keep in contact over Facebook, Skype, email and blogs mostly. And sometimes it is really hard to be so far away. Although I do have many good friends and a wonderful husband to help, it just isn't the same. I miss my family! We all have very busy lives, and it makes it tough to reach out to others. But can I just say that the effort is sooo worth it. I created this challenge to not only kick start my post-pregnancy workouts, but I really wanted to get back in touch with my family.

This challenge helped me in more ways than you can imagine. I have had a relatively difficult past year, and many times when I walk the track, most of that stress finds a way out and I find myself crying. Being strong and positive has always been one of my personal goals, but sometimes it does get to be too much. Exercise has been a release for as I feel better physically, but more importantly, feel better emotionally. But do you know what I loved most about this challenge? Getting texts and emails from my family! Even if we were taunting each other, we were doing something together, and I had support. It was awesome! And now that we have stopped, I miss it even more.

So for the winner of the challenge, I must confess, I stopped recording after the third week, because it didn't matter anymore. I had ulterior motives anyways. So for my two lovely sisters that participated, you will soon each receive a check in the mail that you must use to further your exercise goals. Buy some new socks, a new t-shirt, a new bra, or some new tunes, whatever you need or want. Just keep exercising! And don't forget talking to those of us that are so far away. I promise to reach out as well, because I need you and I miss you.

Perhaps we need another challenge . . . .

Monday, September 26, 2011

Exercise Challenge - 2 Week Results

Here are the point scores for the first 2 weeks of our Exercise Challenge. It really boils down to gimp vs preggo vs silver sneaker. Can you guess who is who? hehe.


Week #1

9/12 - 30 min step aerobics and 25 min gym (2 points! I'll give her that extra 5 minutes because she's awesome!)
9/13 - 30 min walk (1)
9/14 - 45 min circuit training (1)
9/15 - 45 min walk (1) and 35 min volleyball (1)

Total Week #1 - 6 points!

Week #2

9/19 - 30 min step class (1) and 45 min walk (1)
9/20 - 35 min walk (1)
9/21 - 45 min kick boxing class (1)
9/22 - 30 min walk (1)

Total Week #2 - 5 points!

Total Points - 11!


Week #1

9/12 - 60 min water aerobics (2)
9/13 - 30 min walking (1)
9/15 - 30 min walking (1)
9/16 - 60 min yoga (2)

Total Week #1 - 6 points!

Total Points - 6!

No report for week #2. Did she fall off the face of the exercising planet? Lets hope not!


Week #1

9/12 - 30 min walking (1) 45 min aerobics (1)
9/13 - 30 min aerobics (1)
9/14 - 30 min walk (1) 30 min weights and eliptical (1)
9/16 - 30 min aerobics (1)
9/17 - 5k for charity (total walking 60 min) (3 points - bonus point for charity)

Total Week #1 - 9 points!

Week #2

9/20 - 30 min walking (1) 30 min weights and eliptical (1)
9/22 - 30 min walking (1) 30 min weights and eliptical (1)

Total Week #2 - 4 points!

Total Points - 13!

So the mid way point rundown is as followed: Gimp is ahead with 13 points, Preggo is in second with 11 and Silver Sneaker has some reporting to do, cause she only has 6 points. Keep it up! Surely you can try harder to beat me; I clearly am slowing down with this stupid infected toe. Bring it this week!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

One Hundred Bucks!!

I am challenging you to exercise more than me in the next 4 weeks!

What do you win? $100.

That's right, I will pay whoever exercises the most in the next 4 weeks, $100 from my piano lessons money. Are you game?

Here are the rules:

1. Each exercise has to be for at least 30 minutes; longer workouts do not get extra credit.

2. Each workout for at least 30 minutes gets you a point.

3. You must track and report to me each week. I would like to know what exercises you are doing for some ideas as well.

4. At the end of the 4 weeks, the one who has the most points, wins $100.

What's in it for me? I don't want to loose any money, that's for sure. So, my motivation is to not let you beat me. I will post your reports and progress here on the site as well and taunt, trash talk, and tempt you to try to win. Not going to happen, but you can certainly try. Sounds like fun, huh? Send me a reply if you want in. You know you do.

I'm Going to Get Through This!

Frustrations, Limitations, and Inspiration

So, it has been 6 weeks since I started my new "diet" and I have gained 6 pounds. In fact, I don't think I ever lost anything, not even a smidge of a pound. Why? A couple of reasons: 1) I hurt my toe (ingrown toenail and infection) and it was next to impossible to put on tennis shoes, let alone exercise, 2) 'm on horrible medication that is making me retain water, and 3) even when I tried to find peace by getting a massage, I ended up with an allergic reaction to the oils and am now sporting a rash and blisters up and down my entire back. Can you say frustrated?

I also haven't had an internet connection for the last three weeks due to a verizon strike, so I haven't been able to write, do any research on what do about my current problems, or to just reach out for some love to you. I hope you haven't missed my entries; probably not. So two weeks ago, I headed to the temple with a low heart, seeking for some inspiration as what I can do to help me loose weight and control things again. I absolutely hate how I look, the amount of medication I have to take every day, and know that I am not what I need to be to raise 3 healthy boys. I pleaded with the Lord to help me find a diet that would work for me and a plan to help me be better. And do you know what He told me? This is not a direct quote, but the Lord reminded me that He had already given me a health plan, one that would help me if I followed it faithfully. Do you know what?! It's found in D&C 89.

After reading through the 'Word of Wisdom', I have already begun to make several changes to my overall plan of attack. I may not be able to do much about my disease or the medication, but I certainly can control what I eat and how active I am. I am putting into place a system where the opportunities to be active are available and I have plenty of choices on how I am going to follow this plan. If you want more specifics, let me know. I am now a week into this, and although there has been no physical results, I do love being able to exercise again and am making it top priority. All-in-all, I am trying to be as natural as I can be in my food choices, cutting way back on my meat intake, spending quality time in motion. I would love to have any ideas on how you do these things.

Once again I am reminded that real change does not happen quickly, and I need to have a long term view of the changes I want to make. I need to envision myself changing and loving whats happening. I hope you can do the same. Good luck with your healthy goals and your fitness successes!

Much Love!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Your Family's Health - How Does Your Rate?

I ran across this little gem of an article and I thought I would share. I think it is a great measure or goal of what our families can be. Are any of these items something that you and your family can work on? Could you make it a family priority? I hope so! Read on:

Ten Signs of a Healthy Family Home
-published by the YMCA of the USA

1. Water is the beverage of choice, supplemented by 100% fruit juices and low-fat milk.
2. Fruits or vegetables are served at every meal including some fresh fruit or veggie options daily.
3. Snack time includes foods that contain whole grains and protein instead of saturated and trans fats.
4. Kids and adults are moving and playful for at least an hour per day, outside and together whenever possible.
5. Kids and adults are breaking a sweat at least three times per week for 20 minutes or more.
6. Kids are provided with frequent opportunities to play outdoors in ways that are unstructured and exploratory. Play experiences in nature take place often.
7. The family dines together at least once every day, with kids involved in meal preparation and clean-up.
8. Kids all receive daily one-on-one time with an adult.
9. Television and video game time is limited to two hours per day.
10. Kids and adults keep to regular schedule that helps everyone get enough sleep. For the kids that means 10-12 hours per night, and seven - eight for the adults.

Healthy living begins at home. We as parents can send a great example by what we make a priority every day. Along with positive relationships, spiritual matters, and education, please make sure healthy habits are a part of your home everyday. Be a motivator for good health. Your family will thank you for it.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Eating the Alphabet - Our Family Challenge

I came across a book titled, "Eating the Alphabet: Fruits and Vegetables from A to Z" by Lois Ehlert and it sparked an idea. I want to do a vegetable challenge with my family! We are going to eat a new vegetable (or fruit if there is no vegetable with that letter) for each letter in the alphabet. This probably wont happen on consecutive days, due to planning issues, but we are going to do it as often as we can. I presented the idea to my family, and with mixed emotions, they agreed. I promised that they would only have to try a small part and I would try to avoid those veggies that they really do hate.

So tonight, we start with artichokes! The rest will be as followed:

A - Artichokes
B - Beets or Brussels Sprouts
C - Cabbage or Cauliflower (sadly, we have never made cauliflower)
D - Dates (no 'D' vegetable)
E - Endive or Eggplant (we've had eggplant before, but will try a new way)
F - Fig (again no vegetable)
G - Gooseberries
H - Huckleberries (yum! I love these!)
I - Indian Corn
J - Jalapeno Peppers or Jicama
K - Kohlrabi, Kumquats and Kiwifruit (want to try all of these!)
L - Leeks
M - Mangos
N - Nectarines (we just always get peaches)
O - Okra ( I might skip this one - hmmmm)
P - Papayas, Pomegranates, parsnips and pumpkin (I think a theme night would be great!)
Q - Quince
R - Rutabaga and radishes
S - Swiss Chard and Starfruit
T - Turnips
U - Ugli Fruit (a real thing, I swear!)
V - nothing for this letter, will have to be creative
W - Watercress
X - Xigua (a Chinese watermelon)
Y - Yams
Z - Zucchini (not a favorite in our home, but maybe a new twist might help)

The point of this challenge is to open our taste buds to some new possibilities. Maybe I will finally find the "food" that Garrett will eat and that is healthy for him. Maybe we will just learn to try and love new foods. Anyways, I am excited about the challenge and wanted to share it with you.

Happy Eating!